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Study Questions for Brecht's Galileo

to be posted in SQ folder in FirstClass

1. What is meant by the Brechtian style of alienation in the theatre? (see mini lecture)


2. Why do the cardinals and others in the church so vehemently reject Galileo's theory of the earth and sun?

3.Bentley, the translator of this Brechtian play, claims that Brecht has revised the play to make Galileo a coward in this version. How does he do this? Do you think he succeeds? If so how; if not, why not.

4. What is your overall impression of the Brechtian character, Galileo and how have you arrived at it?

5. Explain what happens in scene 11 (pages 108-110). Why is this significant.

6. Galileo says (page 68): "Turth is the daughter of time not Authority." Can you explain what he means and how this reminds you of Peirce's theory?

7. In scene 10, Galileo says to Matti: "I have written a book about the mechanics of the firmament, that is all. What they do or don't do with it is not my concern"(106). Why is this such an important statement?

8. What is the significance (or better , what is the reason for ) the scene with Andrea and Galileo at the end of the play (scene13)? Has andrea "sold out" or been corrupted?