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A Too-short outline


Kant's Epistemology


Immanuel Kant

(See this introductory lecture on Kant's epistemology)

Kant's books on metaphysics

  • Critique of Pure Reason (1781)
  • Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysic (1785)


I. Kant's metaphysical question: "Are Synthetic, a priori judgments about Noumena possible?"

Some terms

 Aspects of the Real

Phenomenon (a)  Noumenon (a)

Ways of Knowing

a posteriori a priori

Kinds of propositions

synthetic analytic



II. The Categories of Perception:

Transcendental Forms of perception: Space and Time

The Categories of Perception

 Of Quantity

 Of Quality

 Of Modality

 Of Relation

 Unity  Reality  Possibility - Impossibility  Inherence - Subsistence


 Negation  Existence - Non-existence

 Causality - Dependence (cause & effect)

 Totality  Limitation  Necessity - Contingence  Community (reciprocity between agent & patient)


Thus, the phenomenal world is:

"The temporal, spatial, causal manifold."