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Your hypothesis must be about the texts, not about the world





Three types of hypotheses


Does this satisfy the assignment?

Why not?


Does this satisfy the assignment?

Why not?

Making a claim about the world

"Governments and people should respect the rights of others"


Because this is a claim about governments and people, etc., which are things out there in the world

"Doing evil deeds destroys human relationships"


Because this is a claim about evil deeds, human relationships, etc., which are things out there in the world

Making a claim about the world, and supporting the claim with quotes from our texts

"Governments and people should respect the rights of others, and this idea can be supported by examples from Pinocchio and the Bill of Rights"


Because again this is still a claim about things in the world, despite the fact that those claims are supported by quotes from our texts

"Doing evil deeds destroys human relationships, and this can be seen in the Book of  Proverbs, Cinderella, and Snow White."


Because again this is still a claim about things in the world, despite the fact that those claims are supported by quotes from our texts

Making a claim about the texts

"Both Pinocchio and the Bill of Rights evidence the need for respect for the rights of others."


Because this is a claim about texts and what the texts say

"Cinderella and Snow White illustrate the concept taught in the Book of Proverbs that doing evil deeds destroys human relationships"


Because this is a claim about texts and what the texts say