Plato - The Trial and Death
of Socrates
A few notes on the assignment:
Plato's dialogue titled The Euthyphro, in The Trial and Death of Socrates.
Links to these lectures can be found on the Lectures
homepage. The lectures are titled:
Due: 8pm
Reminder: Your participation in the seminar
discussions is a crucial part of your involvement in the course, so you'll
want to participate fully. The discussions so far seem to have gotten
off to a very good start. So go to it.
Starting your participation in the discussions
as early as possible in the assignment period is important
so that others will have time to read what you've posted, think about
it, and respond, and so you'll have time to reply to their responses,
etc etc, is important. Just posting your answers to the DQs on the
last day of the assignment period doesn't really constitute "active
participation" in the discussion, and active participation in all discussions
is essential for earning a decent grade in the course.
Good luck with it.