questions for Copenhagen. To be posted in semniar discussion
1 a. What is Bohr's theory
of complementarity (explained simply please).
1 b. How is this theory refelected
in the experiences and memories of the characters in the play?
2 a. What is the essence of
Heisenberg's "uncertainly principle"?
2 b. How is that principle
used as part of the story of the play itself?
3. Look at the dialogue on
page 71 between the three characters: Bohr makes a case that what the
two scientists did was important because : "we put man back at the centre
of the universe!" and then goes on to explain how they did that starting
with Einstein. what does he mean by that?
4. Margrethe speaks of how
this anthropocentric view affects the way we see things and ourselves.
(This is demonstrated vividly on page 87 as Margrethe describes what she
sees and what others cannot see). Explain.